
Sarah Palin Swoons for Manly Bear-Wrestling Putin, Says Obama Wears "Mom Jeans"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/05/2014 2:18:43 am PST

Down in Texastan, much is being made of the election results which supposedly show that the establishment Republicans survived Tea Partying insurgents. However, such claims don’t apply to the lieutenant governor race:

It’s David Dewhurst vs. Dan Patrick in Texas lieutenant governor runoff

I don’t know why the Dallas News put Dewhurst first in the headline as Patrick appears to be the leader.

Anyway, Patrick is among the nastiest of the nasty atavists, a vicious demagogue in development, and about as much of a hypocrite as one can find among the hard right.

Should Patrick be elected he’ll provide many head-desk moments.