
We Got Mail!

Dark_Falcon7/26/2010 7:28:25 pm PDT

Oliver Stone: Hitler Apologist

Is Oliver Stone some sort of Soviet sleeper whom the Reds forgot to de-programme when the USSR collapsed, or simply the most politically nave baby-boomer alive?

Just as some people stop listening to new music at some point in their lives and are forever stuck in a musical time warp, so it is for some politically – and Stone’s political development seems to have arrested some time around May 1968.

The director has previously expressed kind words for Hugo Chavez and made a grovelling documentary about murderous commie gasbag Fidel Castro, as well as promoting the ludicrous idea that John F Kennedy was killed by some Right-wing conspiracy.

But in an interview with Camilla Long of the Sunday Times (no link, unless you’ve signed up) yesterday Stone excelled himself by saying:

“Hitler was a Frankenstein but there was also a Dr Frankenstein. German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support …

“Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than [to] the Jewish people, 25 or 30 [million killed].”

And the reason why this is not well known?

“The Jewish domination of the media… There’s a major lobby in the United States. They are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Israel has f***** up United States foreign policy for years.”

The first claim is an outright lie invented by the Soviet Union’s propaganda machine, which promoted the idea that Hitler was a capitalist tool, rather than an ultra-conservative anti-capitalist who preyed on people’s fears of the Bolsheviks. They did this to present the German Federal Republic as a continuation of Nazi Germany, rather than a legitimate, democratic state, and to downplay the indirect role of the German Communists in the rise of Hitler.

The second idea, again, is Soviet-made. Far more Russians died in World War 2 than people from any other nation, but no individual group was targeted specifically for destruction like the Jews, and no group suffered as much proportionately to their size. More than half of Europe’s Jews were systematically slaughtered, not in the battlefield or as a result of starvation, as many Russians and Germans died, but as civilians rounded up for deliberate murder. Unlike the Russian or German victims, their leaders had done nothing to bring about this destruction. I dare anyone to visit Auschwitz and not come away thinking this was a unique act of human evil. You don’t have to be Jewish to feel extremely disturbed and upset by industrialised murder, just human.

First he sucks up to Chavez and now Hitler and Stalin. Stone never met a hateful tyrant he didn’t love. Fuck you, Ollie, you freedom hating punk!