
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/25/2011 11:08:52 am PDT

re: #409 marjoriemoon

Obdi, Israel is a Jewish state, run as a democracy, but also run under Jewish law. You keep calling it secular. It is NOT secular. This is really a weird point you’re making. Have you ever visited? Jerusalem, the heart of Israel for goodness sake, is not secular! I’m not sure even the “non-religious” would be called secular because they abide by most of the Jewish customs anyway.

Depending on how you count, about 15-40% of Jews in Israel are atheistic or agnostic.

I don’t actually keep calling Israel secular, no. In fact, I haven’t called Israel secular a single time. I referred to the secular history of Israel— as in, Theodore Herzl and the other secular Zionists importance in the foundation of Israel.

Sorry athiests. You can’t remove God from Israel. Or what the hell does it mean?

What does Israel mean? Hopefully a country like the one Herzl imagined.

We do remember Herzl, right?