
Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show, 12/10/15

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/11/2015 9:46:20 am PST

re: #403 Belafon

Part of me wants to have the Republicans repeal it anyway. About time some of them suffered for their actions.

I know what you’re feeling but don’t fall into that since there’s plenty of people who don’t vote for these assholes who don’t deserve it and even the people who do. I do wish they would actually look at what the fuck they’re voting for though and stop falling for the GOP’s lies about how gay marriage and abortion are attacks on their religious liberty. The lies about guns too. They really need to look at how many guns they had before Obama was president and look at how many now and ask themselves that if Obama and the Dems were really the gun grabbers that the GOP insists they are that they would not have actually likely increased their arsenal since. Fucking patsies.