
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Trump Signs an Order Denying Asylum to Muslims Fleeing ISIS

Targetpractice1/28/2017 1:19:49 am PST

re: #402 Anymouse

I don’t think there are a whole lot of Democrats that favour his “identity politics” of Christianity first, conservative second, GOP third.

Washington is not Indiana, and even in very conservative Indiana conservatives were pretty much fed up with him.

Moreover, a putative President Pence would not hesitate to remove all the awful people President Bannon President Trump has surrounded himself with.

Those guys do not have Mr. Pence on their Christmas card lists.

Pence is a theocratic wingnut, but within the range of normal theocratic wingnuts. He can also see the dangers of overstepping his perceived powers (such as backpedalling on his bash the gays bill in Indiana).

6 months ago, we said that there was no way that Trump could win. The negatives were so heavily against him and his proposals were absolutely insane, such that no right-thinking human being could go for them.

It was just last week that a lot of “very serious” people were telling us we had to give Trump a chance, perhaps he’d mellow out and if he didn’t then the response to his actions would be so forceful and united that he couldn’t go through with the craziest of his campaign promises.

So the idea that Mike Pence couldn’t find Democrats who could be bought with 30 pieces of silver to go along with his theocratic craziness is not that far of a stretch. There are enough Democrats in red and purple states who would be willing to accept small changes to something like Pence’s “religious freedom” bill in the hope that it might help them at the polls come reelection.