
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Lightspeed4/29/2009 1:38:55 pm PDT

re: #333 Liberal Classic

We don’t need to have an extra “control” earth lying around to test the hypothesis that an increase carbon dioxide can increase the greenhouse effect.

No, but all of this climate alarmism is based on computer models, an artificial simulation. Unfortunately, the computer models are based on imcomplete data, as it is impossible to take into account all factors that affect the climate. For example, if there were a series of large volcanic eruptions in the next few year, the amount of carbon spewed into the atmosphere would throw all of the models out of whack. Also, a simulation is only as good as the data you put into it. We can only measure a small fraction of the Earth’s surface to determine surface temperatures. In fact, it was recently found that some of the sensors used to generate this data had been malfunctioning (read this somewhere, can’t find link now). Garbage in, garbage out. We also don’t really have a good gauge on the actual amount of CO2 present in the atmosphere, as we just can’t gather data on such a large scale as yet.

I’m going to throw this out there again. This website has a LOT of great information that will make you question AGW. I am not a scientist, but the info on this site seems well researeched and cited. Judge for yourself.