
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

lostlakehiker12/12/2009 8:49:13 pm PST

re: #306 kf

Charles the ocean is rising at 3mm per annum, sans acceleration. Sea level rise in and of itself isn’t particularly noteworthy since we are in an interglacial period. I realize you’re just trying to make a point, but it’s just a tiny bit silly.

You can inspect the sea-level changes at

Acceleration is in the cards. But think about it. 3mm/year=30 cm/century will, after all, cost us 30 meters of land all along the coast, assuming a 1 percent grade. More, if the grade is shallower, as it often is in the most valuable river delta croplands. And that cost will be doubled the next century, and the next.

That’s actually a fair amount of land. Don’t blow it off as trivial. Or “kind of silly”. But this greatly underestimates the problem. The Greenland ice cap is going to melt. At any rate, a lot of it is. Now we’re talking several meters sea rise. That means scores of miles, or worse.