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keloyd4/11/2010 7:32:43 am PDT

re: #402 sandbox

It appears US has accepted that Iran will obtain nuclear weapons. All the talk of it being “unacceptable” is just talk.

but it’s always that way. India and Pakistan getting nuclear weapons was “unacceptable” until they got them, then 2 more good old boys got in the exclusive country club. Libya was very close to a nuke when they volunteered to be bought out and accept forgiveness and respectability in exchange for their nukes and (iirc) chemical weapons. South Africa was a nuclear country with Israeli aid until they decided to cash in that chip. Iran’s generals have more power than Ahmaoompaloompa, and the mullahs with the real power are less strident. I’m not worried. When Iran is nuclear and stable, it will give up all this Israel baiting, the mullahs will chuck their little PR guy, and Fox News will have to find a new boogey man.