
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

iossarian4/22/2011 8:18:51 am PDT

re: #403 Dark_Falcon

I didn’t say that. Being able to meet an armed aggressor doesn’t mean being at Condition Red all the time. Proper situational awareness is key. Please don’t charectichure my position.

What is “situational awareness”?

Are you saying that we should hire some more people to walk the corridors and check that no lunatics are coming into the building with guns? Isn’t that going to be rather cost-ineffective?

As I posted upthread, someone came into a nearby building with a gun recently. Should we all have been alerted and spent the next hour clutching our weapons, in case the person turned out to be a loon? (Of course, if it turns out that the person was not a loon, we needn’t have worried.) How can you tell if the gun carrier is a loon, or a normal citizen? Are there badges that loons wear that enable you to pick them out?

I think it’s much easier if you tell people NO FUCKING GUNS IN THE BUILDING PERIOD, but then I’m a cowardly liberal, so what do I know?