
Breaking: WI Man Arrested for Plotting to Kill Abortion Doctor

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/27/2011 7:31:51 am PDT

re: #408

I’m not sure I could have been dirtier as a child.

I grew up for most of the year in Connecticut, the summer in San Francisco.

In Connecticut, my parents had 9 1/2 acres of mixed light woods and swampland. real swamp yankee territory. I would go and muck about on the weekends from dawn to dusk, and when I got back my mom would literally hose me down before letting me in the house. I loved it.

In San Francisco, things were cleaner but I swam in the ocean every week and went to Golden Gate park almost every day.

I wonder if the mix of such different environments has helped me be allergy free.

It certainly was awesome from my perspective as a kid who loved the outdoors.