
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): I'll Vote to Destroy the US Economy Tonight

Barflytom6/01/2011 7:20:13 am PDT

re: #409 Obdicut

Because we did. If the Bush tax cuts weren’t in place, we’d be getting a lot more revenue.

And I’m sorry, American Thinker is not a credible source. Please try something else.

“A lot more”, like 1 or 2 percent of GDP perhaps ?

If you don’t like the source you can find the same statistics somewhere else. Federal revenues as a percentage of GDP haven’t moved outside a fairly narrow band since the thirties.
They’re historically low now for various reasons ( about 15% of GDP ), but if you think adding a few points to the highest marginal rates is going to cover Obama type spending then you’re not being serious.