
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

Gus9/09/2011 2:27:03 pm PDT

re: #403 Killgore Trout

To make BUck and the rest of the wingnuts look extra stupid.

Who we are

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln helped establish the Republican Party with a speech denouncing an 1854 law, written by a Democrat Senator, that allowed slavery to expand into the western territories. Two years later, he co-founded the Illinois GOP. Lincoln was runner-up for the 1856 Republican vice presidential nomination and then became a Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate.

More than two years before becoming the first Republican president, Lincoln spoke for the ages: “The Republican Party, on the contrary [to the Democrats], holds that this government was instituted to secure the blessings of freedom, and that slavery is an unqualified evil… [Republicans] will oppose in all its length and breadth the modern Democratic idea that slavery is as good as freedom.”

2011 Copyright Republican National Committee