
GOP Crowd Boos Gay Soldier Serving in Iraq, While Santorum Babbles About Sex

iossarian9/23/2011 7:46:49 am PDT

re: #401 HappyWarrior

I saw Perry’s excuse for not saying anything about the booing on Gus’s page about this. He claims they were caught in a moment. What kind of shitty ass excuse is that. These people booed an active duty serviceman because he happens to be gay. I mean damn after years of being told I was somehow anti military and unpatriotic by the right because I happen to be a left winger this greatly amuses me that a Republican debate audience would actually boo a military member.

So true. Complain about the absurd fetishization of the military in contemporary America and you’re a despicable traitor. Boo an active member of the military and you’re just defending all that is good and true in the USA.