
Arizona's White Nationalist Senate President Russell Pearce Gets the Boot

W of O. The Time Zone Warrior.11/09/2011 8:41:48 am PST

Like many of you I’ve got a healthy dose of revulsion for Republican politicians, the party otherwise known as the “Party of No!”. But this guy Lewis seems to me one of the few exceptions there are around. One particular statement resonated well to my ears.

In Lewis, they would get a man who like Pearce is White, conservative and Mormon, but who repeatedly contrasted himself to Pearce by saying his vision of leadership is to bring all sides together to find solutions, rather than ruling by fiat.

Lewis also pledged not to accept any gifts or special favors, particularly from lobbyists, a reference to the fact that critics skewered Pearce for accepting nearly $40,000 in free trips, hotel stays, meals and college football game tickets from the Fiesta Bowl.

Okay, nobody’s perfect but ignoring lobbyists is a good way to start earning my respect. I hope he can keep his word and be strong enough to withstand the storms that will be coming his way.

Source for the quoted text.