
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

capitalist piglet2/12/2009 5:00:25 pm PST

re: #409 realwest

Hey y’all - just had a window of time before dinner to drop in and say hi!
And I went over to Hot Air and virtually all of the comments that were negative about Charles were posted by Robert Spencer! What a surprise! I used to think - quite a while ago, now that I reflect on it, that Mr. Spencer was an intellectual who was helping to lead the charge against Islamo-fascism. Now it’s apparent to me that his technique for fighting Islamo-fascism is to join with European Fascists against Muslims, whether or not they are jihadists.
And his “the dog ate my homework” excuse for his facebook support of the group that wants to “liberate” Istanbul from the Turkish Muslims and give it back to White Christians ISN’T A NEW IDEA FOR HIM (although in fairness the genocide is) as Charles pointed out in the thread on this farce by Spencer, Spencer wrote the same damn thing on his own blog - Charles linked to it on that thread, so I won’t.

Oh believe me, r/w, a lot of the HotAir members are unhappy with Charles too, but they mostly appear to be banned former lizards carrying a grudge.

Mr. Spencer says that he is going to report “Cato the Elder” to Facebook for account abuse; I have asked him to elaborate on his reasoning for this (for what? Being made aware that Mr. Spencer joined a bad group?), and to offer evidence to support the continued implication that this was all a plot cooked up by Cato and Charles.

No answer yet.