
Washington Times Editor: Obama Was Educated at Yale

iceweasel9/08/2009 1:18:35 pm PDT

re: #371 buzzsawmonkey

Well, gosharootie, I stand corrected. I guess even the best of us steps out of character at times.

It seems, however, that iceweasel has a problem taking in stride being on the receiving end of the same sort of good-natured raillery she has done so much to promote here of late.

Good natured raillery?

Find me links to anywhere I called anyone an asshole or a scumbag. I have at least 2 of you calling me an asshole out of the blue when I’m having friendly chats with other commenters.

You are a liar and a coward. And in typical liar and cowardly fashion, you first pretended it didn’t happen, and now you want to pretend it’s actually my fault you called me a ‘commie scumbag”.

BTW, buzz, were you joking when you said Biology was Destiny for women, and that Women’s Liberation was all about fucking for fun?
Enquiring minds would like to know.

I could call you an asshole and a scumbag, and claim it was ‘goodnatured raillery’, but oddly enough I don’t find that funny. Huh.