
Rick Santorum: What Does McCain Know About Torture Anyway?

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/18/2011 8:36:49 pm PDT

New outrage from Dim Hoft, Shrieking Far Left Hamas Supporters Disrupt TX Christian Service

Another violent leftist assault on Christianity…
The far left strikes again. Hamas supporting members of Todas Somos Palestina disrupted a Christian church service this past weekend. The screaming leftists targeted Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas after the pastor announced that he would hold a service dedicated to Israel.

Youtube Video

On the surface this does indeed look pretty outrageous. It is Dim Jim and John Hagee however so I naturally have some questions.

Why is the only source a heavily edited video posted by the lefties themselves?
Can we be sure this all happened on the same day? At no time do we see more than a couple of protesters in evidence.
The gang that posted the video is apparently pro-Hamas but what about the protesters themselves? Are they really Hamas symps or just free-range moonbats? One of them screamed “Genocide does not honor Israel!.” Why would a Hamasnik care that Israel is not being honored?

Whatever his faults, Hagee is easily the greatest fire and brimstone preacher of the age so he should at least be able to vaporize lefty infidels by screaming JEEESSUSSSS!!! at them a few times.