
Reports: Oklahoma Horribly Botches Execution

kirkspencer4/30/2014 7:37:23 am PDT

re: #407 Mattand

If you want an idea of what the country would look like if the current Republicans run the table like they did last decade, look no further than Scalia.

Typical Tea Bagger: facts be damned, this is how I think the country should work. He was so apoplectic that the evil EPA was making Jesus cry, he committed an error a first year law student probably would have caught.

There is no frigging daylight between him and the idiot wearing a tricorne hat on the corer and screaming about socialism. Scalia has a better paying job and a fancier costume.

I’m an odd duck in that even though I’m not in the law profession I like to read legal decisions. That’s context for the following:

For some years now I’ve found Scalia’s written opinions odd. As in not the representation of a brilliant legal mind. As in poor reflections of what he was writing as little as a decade ago. Though this mistake is the most blatant, it’s far from the first time he’s mis-remembered (or misinterpreted) something. More and more frequently he’s introduced opinion as precedent or fact. His opinions - dissent, concurrence, and even decisions - have had nonsequitors and irrelevant points within them.

In addition to this he’s been more, well, abrasively confrontational (for justices) - while particularly to the women and other liberals, he’s turned his tongue on all his peers at one time or another recently.

I honestly wonder if Scalia is suffering from one of the mental problems of the aged (he’s 78). If so, I suspect it’ll be well after the damage is done that we’ll know.