
Saudi Arabia Moves In

Killgore Trout1/23/2009 7:54:26 pm PST

re: #349 OldLineTexan

I have yet to see anything Obama has done that Bush and/or McCain would have done.

McCain pledge to close Gitmo, which Obama did. Bush kissed the collective asses, which Buch has done for the past 8 years. Obama relaxed the regulations on embryonic stem cell, as McCain would have done. Obama nixed the rules on aggressive interrogations as McCain pledged we would have. Despite the outpouring of outrage we have not yet seen anything Bush or McCain would have done (aside from relaxing the rules on abortion and birth control counseling in foreign aid)….which is something I support. We are not witnessing outrageous things these past few days. We are witnessing what was going to happen no matter who was elected. The differences are completely cosmetic.