
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Cato the Elder2/12/2009 5:02:41 pm PST

Over at Hot Air, Spencer says:

Clearly it was a setup. I was in a hurry and didn’t read the material about the group, but I am not at all sure that the group even said any of that when I joined it.

Right. Someone dreamed up the group, months ago, acquired 300+ members, lured Spencer into joining it yesterday, then changed what it said as soon as he did. Because we were waiting to pounce the minute he fell for it. Complete with a lengthy, misspelled screed as the “fake” statement-of-purpose for the group.

The man is either delusional or a liar on a grand scale. Take your pick.

Oh, and then he adds, “I am planning to report ‘Cato the Elder’ to Facebook for abuse of his account, for what it’s worth.”

Good luck with that. I’ve already reported the group itself, so getting me in trouble for exposing him as a member of that same group is really gonna fly. Pathetic.

Oh, and of course, in addition to changing the group’s self-proclaimed goals, we planted vile comments from members going back to last October! That’s how nefarious this plot was.

Like this, for example:

Gary Aronsson (Manchester) wrote
at 7:47pm on October 26th, 2008
Islam is the enemy of all mankind and has never lived in peace with other religions once it had even a large minority,never mind a majority!
Every land it now dominates was taken by force,we owe them NOTHING.They are nothing but the human equivalent of smallpox and should be destroyed without delay.
Just remember that Turkey was once ALL CHRISTIAN,ANKARA was once called CONSTANTINOPLE and the largest mosque in the world,HAGIA SOPHIA was once a CATHEDRAL!

They will destroy us if they ever get the chance,no [bigoted word] is going to make me into a DHIMMI,if you want to be a slave to a muslim thats your choice but i’m not going to start treating some paedophile as a messenger from GOD!

Yes, that’s right, we made up a guy who doesn’t know the difference between Ankara and Istanbul, just to discredit Spencer three-and-a-half months later. Bwahaha.