
Obama Administration Notices Iran's Manhattan Project

lawhawk2/13/2009 10:50:07 am PST

Nonsensical headline of the day, courtesy of the NYT:

Hamas Says Cease-Fire Nears; Israel Demurs

Hamas and the terrorists have continued firing rockets and mortars at Israel virtually nonstop since the end of Operation Cast Lead, but now they say that they’re going to engage in a ceasefire? It will be nothing more than the last time (or any of the prior periods). It’s Israel ceases, Hamas fires. It’s a hudna where Hamas gets to regroup and rearm without worrying so much about Israel firing on them. Hamas gets the bonus of firing occasional kassams at Israel without worrying about reprisals, and the Israeli government goes along with this nonsense.

Yet, this time it looks like Israel isn’t going to be so easily suckered into playing this game again, but you can be sure that the US is strongarming Israel into doing just that - in the name of peace.