
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

Walter L. Newton6/20/2009 8:10:06 am PDT

re: #400 Last Mohican

I’m just tuning in this morning.

Sadly, it looks like today in Iran is turning out to be as ugly as we had feared it might be.

And this is going to sound cold, maybe, but there would not have been any other outcome. The people are making their stand, and the Iranian government are responding as most people expected.

And I suspect the protestors knew this before hand. That’s the chance they took, and they appear to be standing by their decision.

There is no way to erase what the world is seeing, the Iranian government has been forced to show the world it’s heart of terror, in real time. No way to cover this up.

If anything, in the least, the world has been handed all the evidence they need about Iran and it’s homicidal leadership.

Now, the next step will be up to the democracies of the world, and what they do with this evidence.