
Overnight Open

NJDhockeyfan3/29/2010 8:14:56 am PDT

Snake Massages at British Theme Park

Never mind snakes on a plane – imagine reptiles slithering across your back.

A royal python is giving visitors to a British theme park the regal treatment by slithering across tense and tired muscles. Chessington World of Adventures in Surrey offered the offbeat perk to promote its new ride , the Kobra.

A massage may help before stepping on the Kobra, which zooms through the air at 43 mph.

The ride is part of Chessington’s Wild Asia park. The massages were available for people attending Wild Asia’s launch and not expected to be a regular feature.

“Snake massages are said to produce a feeling of relaxation as the muscles in their bodies stimulate blood flow and massage tense joints,” said a spokeswoman for Chessington .

A “snake spa” is not a new idea. In Israel, people can pay $80 for the privilege of having six non-venomous reptiles wend their way along sore back muscles. Owner Ada Barak claims customers also claim the massages are soothing and ease migraines, reported.