
The FBI Has Been Watching Former Trump Adviser Carter Page Since Last Summer

Mattand4/12/2017 8:27:59 am PDT

re: #407 HappyWarrior

So O’Malley made a comment about how he doesn’t think Sanders would have beaten Trump and the Berners are all over him. Can we just not make our party’s future about a man who will be 80 in 2021, who represents a lily white state, and who isn’t even in our party? I’m sorry but enough of Bernie Sanders. He had his chance and he’s free to run again but he’s not the party’s future and he’s not a leader.

So much this.

We have a friend from a suburb of Indianapolis who visited about a month after the election. She and her husband are some of the few, few Democrats in her area.

She was saying she was stunned that the party nominated Clinton, as the absolute hate for her in IN was borderline psychotic. I asked her straight up: “Do you honestly believe your neighbors would have considered voting for a Jewish man from NYC, who is an avowed Socialist and honeymooned in Castro’s Cuba?”

She laughed and said, “Probably not.”