
Seth "Thorn Birds" Meyers Attic Session: Trump Wants His Coronavirus Failures to Be "Quickly Forgotten"

Rightwingconspirator4/10/2020 5:53:47 pm PDT

re: #407 Blind Frog Belly White

I read that although, yeah, we have a crap-ton more testing than we did back when Trump lied that everyone who wants one can be tested, we seem to be plateauing at about 150K tests/day. We’re never gonna reopen the country with that.

Well, unless we want the 1918 Pandemic’s 675,000 dead to pale by comparison.

Starting to think states like California and NY are gonna lead on this. Just might shame the Feds into more tests. Make test results the door to opening. We can run this all the way down to TB style protocols.