
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Soona'5/24/2009 4:35:45 pm PDT

re: #381 InfidelRaptor

YEEEEEEEEEHAAWWWWWW! MADE IT! After about 6 months of being in the wrong place, wrong time, sometimes missing it by minutes (i.e. had browser tab opened, had to leave, upon returning late afternoon, page refresh showed reg. closed), and … longer than my obviously scattered brain can remember lurking off’n’on before I could gather the gumption to jump in the lizard pit get registered…


(those annoying guys and their white coats’ll never find me here ;)

ahem. Sorry.

I know, I know.

P.S.: Last but not least, now that I’m actually here and I _can_, I wanna give a hearty kudos and thank-you to Charles for not only running this site, but putting together a damn fine design, especially all the “active” features. I live in SF Bay Area (San Jose, specifically), and I often desperately need a dose of sanity after what I’m exposed to out here any given week. :\

Welcome. And I’ll have just a cup of coffee…neat.