
Overnight Bird

lawhawk11/18/2009 7:51:27 am PST

re: #401 iceweasel

The solution was available all along but for the civil libertarians who think that KSM and others should have federal court access and trials. The tiered justice system is a joke, primarily thanks to Obama, Holder, and all the others who agitated for just that.

The military tribunals would have worked to deal with all the detainees, and it would have addressed people being held who are enemy combatants who aren’t soldiers - and therefore aren’t protected by the Geneva Conventions - and aren’t civilians since they were captured under arms and/or are actively fighting jihad against the US - and evidence gathered in those cases isn’t as in a standard law enforcement case, but in the course of prosecuting a war against the al Qaeda and Taliban fighting a war against the US.

All the Gitmo closure would do is shift bodies around from one detention facility to another, and sticking them in Bagram actually reduces the safety risk for all involved since Bagram could quite easily come under Taliban/al Qaeda attack - as witnessed by mass casualty attacks against other high profile institutions in Kabul and elsewhere in Afghanistan despite heavy security presence. Gitmo is the safest place for them to be.