
Overnight Open Thread

DistantThunder2/21/2009 5:50:03 am PST

re: #407 jcw46

It’s entertainment. If she was ever a real judge, I’m sure she was less acerbic and dictatorial (although no guarantees. Judges can pretty much act like they wish).
You do know she’s only acting as an arbitrator? She doesn’t have any actual power other than what is agreed to by the participants. (tho i’m sure she can get things done if she ever was a judge).

I was in court with a friend. Her children’s counselor had asked her to hand carry information to the judge alleging abuse by the father. He had punched his son in the head with a closed fist - and the daughter had witnessed it.

The judge refused to look at the letters written by the children in the counselors office detailing how they had witnesses the now ex-husband, their father strangling their mother. The judge leaned over the bench and screamed at her that he would put her in jail if she didn’t allow the father to take the children for a visit. I’ve never seen anything so unprofessional in my entire life. He yelled and yelled and yelled.