
Pat Buchanan's Executive Director to Be Sentenced for Violent Hate Crime

katemaclaren5/29/2009 9:12:56 am PDT

I’ve never liked Pat B., but really, guilt by association is very risky, isn’t it? I can still see in my mind’s eye the photo of FDR, Stalin and Churchill together. Let’s be careful of this. One of my neighbors (acquaintance, but came to our barbecues and we went to theirs) went to prison for murder. One would have never known. Many of my students have peers and siblings locked down in prisons all around the area here—not to mention belonging to subversive groups and gangs. I have to look past these things because next thing I know, someone is going to say that my own associations damn me, too. Look at Obama. Do we really think his associations have made him something other (in secret) than the man he is today? ….or not?