
GOP Congressional Candidate Pamela Gorman Really Likes Guns

captdiggs6/29/2010 6:02:50 pm PDT

Thought I’d share this. :)

Pamela Gorman is a Great American
Posted by Butch Pornstache at Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Check this shit out, you collection of tree-hugging limousine liberals, pinko Commies, dope fiends, queerbaits, ladyboys, fat chicks, feminazi castrators, and assorted freaks: Pamela Gorman, who is running for congress of Arizona or something, is the greatest American since Dale Peterson. She’d probably be even greater if I didn’t have to deduct points owing to her being a chick and all. But I can’t break the rules of Butch Pornstache’s Great Patriot Analysisizer for anyone, no matter how hot they are.