
Open Thread with Crazy Cycling Video

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/05/2010 1:11:27 am PST

Bobby wants to be on the ticket?

Palin ‘Absolutely’ Electable in 2012, Republican Jindal Says

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said that Sarah Palin is “absolutely” electable as president, a topic of debate among Republicans even though she has yet to announce her intentions for 2012.

“It’s up to her to make the case to voters,” Jindal said in an interview on “Political Capital With Al Hunt” airing this weekend on Bloomberg Television.

Jindal was asked about recent comments by Joe Scarborough, an MSNBC commentator and former Republican congressman from Florida, who said it was time for Republicans to “man up” and recognize the former Alaska governor is a reality TV show star who cannot be elected.

“I think there are several strong contenders,” said Jindal, who stopped short of endorsing Palin and said he doesn’t like “the Republican establishment” telling people how to vote.


Sooner or later I expect them to start blaming Soros for all those “establishment” Republicans bashing Esther.