
Possibly the Craziest Right Wing Video You'll See Today, Starring Glenn Beck

Kragar6/04/2013 4:27:54 pm PDT

re: #413 Vicious Babushka

“I am not here today as a serf or a vassal. I am not begging my lords for mercy. I am a born free, American woman, wife, mother and citizen and I’m telling my government that you have forgotten your place. It is not your responsibility to look out for my well being or monitor my speech. It is not your right to assert an agenda. The posts you occupy exist to preserve American liberty. You have sworn to perform that duty. And you have faltered. The abuses I will discuss today occurred on your watch. It is your responsibility to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” Gerritson said through tears. “Using these agencies as weapons against citizens is scary and it feels like tyranny.”

And the award for overblown sense of victimhood goes to…