
Xenophobia Runs Rampant as Immigrant Families Are Turned Away by Right Wing Protesters

lawhawk7/03/2014 6:46:14 am PDT

Hitting HRC for speaking fees? How about hitting the University for spending crazy money on athletics (including paying the coaches more than other public officials in the state) while academics (the real reason for there being universities in the first place) lag, and costs rise as states shed their support for state colleges and push the burden on to the students.

The $251,000 speaking fee is high, but is it out of line with other major speakers at colleges and other forums? Don’t think so. But since it’s HRC, the right thinks that this is out of line. Moreover, isn’t it the free market at work where she’s getting what the market for speaking will bear? Isn’t that what they’re always crowing about - that the market should be respected?

Guess that the market doesn’t apply to Hillary.

Pay millions of dollars to a coach of a school’s sports team and don’t say a word, but a speaking fee gets ink? Gotcha. It’s priorities - namely - Must. Stop. Hillary.