
Hilarious Bad Lip Reading Remix: The First Democratic Debate

Lidane10/29/2015 10:38:20 am PDT

HUGE dustup at the office this morning.

To give context, people bring their dogs to the office here. Generally it’s not a problem since the dogs tend to be well behaved aside from barking at UPS delivery men or at mail carriers. There’s a sign on the door letting people know dogs are here and to not knock on the door.

Today a UPS guy showed up and brought dog treats, which he usually does. He can do his job, the dogs are happy. Today, two of the dogs fought over a treat that fell on the floor. The dogs got separated. One of the account executives, who owned one of the dogs in the fight, packed up and left the office, ironically complaining about the noise. The other dog owner, who is a developer, was already on edge about server issues he wasn’t able to solve right away.

One guy leaves. Another guy flips out and slams the door because of the issues he’s dealing with and the dogs. And we’re not even halfway through the day.

Fun times.