
Fox News Uses Fake "Swedish Security Adviser" With Criminal Record to Hype Trump's Fake Swedish Terror Attack

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/25/2017 5:57:56 pm PST

re: #406 HappyWarrior

Can I be blunt about something as a college grad though? It’s nice that Bernie wanted to make tuition affordable for all and that really is a worthy goal but there are other problems too. There’s the problem of people with minority names being less likely to be accepted. And then there’s the problem that many of us do face after we get out of finding good work. I just wish he had talked about that too. I’m grateful to my college education and I’d love for post secondary education to be more affordable for all but I don’t think it was the save all solutio that Senator Sanders has sold it as.

Reduced university costs would certainly be helpful for those now entering college from being debt-ridden for decades afterwards.

By itself however it will not solve the structural problems of wealth inequality that even Sanders identified, nor will it employ people who are either not suited for college or past the time it would be helpful to them, nor a whole host of other things that can and should be addressed.

Improving funding to universities would do a lot more to reign in costs than taxing stock trades (though you can do both).

Hillary Clinton also addressed the issue of university costs. It’s not as if this problem has gone unnoticed by the Democrats until Senator Sanders came along.