
Gates Considers Lifting Ban on Coffin Photos

vxbush2/11/2009 10:11:42 am PST

re: #403 Walter L. Newton

OT - but,

Just heard on the radio, no link. So, they are hacking out the details on the stimulus bill right now, and guess what, well, they decreased the tax credit to 400 and 800.

This bill is SO designed to line the pockets of big union, big business, big special interest and big political contributers.

Really, even all the liberal who are for this will not see any benefits or changes in their life.

Wanna bet?

It wouldn’t be so bad if I felt that they were going to leave things alone enough at some point that the stock market could rebound and gain confidence in the system again. But I have seen and heard nothing to make me believe that they are going to leave things alone.

How long will the citizens of the US allow this to go on, unchecked? It is going to be a long time until the midterm elections. I know I’m just quoting everyone else here, but today it is hitting me harder than usual.

If this educates the liberals into understanding economics a bit better, I might be willing to put up with it. But history has shown that liberals really don’t learn—or if they do, then they are replaced by other liberals.