
Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

Walter L. Newton4/27/2010 1:25:23 pm PDT

re: #402 Slap

IMO, your clarification was unnecessary, since you were quite clear.

Was the use of the term “network” re: #325 Walter L. Newton

…an intentional qualifier? I ask because I know that Babylon 5 was conceived and sold as a five-year story arc, and it had several similar traits in that respect. I remember being delighted and amazed during the last season or two at how neatly bits from the first three seasons completely fit the picture that had developed by the end.

I’ve not been a watcher of Lost, but if this is how they laid it out, I’m going to have to add it to my DVD wishlist. I respect the creative integrity of not allowing the concept to be idiofied by studio execs.

That’s why I said “network.”

Of course, with a six year contracted season, they have had wiggle room to adjust certain characters (or remove them), to weave certain plot lines off course and then back, depending on the audience reaction, all the normal stuff that network TV is know for, but like I say, over all, they had the major plat arcs written before they even went into production, and there has been time after time that you see how smaller arcs catch up with other arcs and you know that much of this had to be plotted in advance.

That’s what makes the show so clever. There is many “aha” moments, one of those deep, internal feelings that hook audiences… very satisfying.

Then again, the show is not for everyone. It’s very difficult to follow if you don’t constantly watch, it moves between science and faith, and there is a very complex time travel arc that can be tedious for some people at times.