
PayPal Shuts Down Pamela Geller

goddamnedfrank6/12/2010 7:53:00 pm PDT

re: #388

With FF, I could click and the link would automatically highlight, then I could “copy”. With Safari, I have to click, drag the mouse across the link, and then copy. FF was easier (for me) that way. But Safari is just faster and no little glitches, like the pages turning all blue. That was strange.

I have a macbook, and when I tried to upgrade to Safari 5 on that, it told me the macbook operating system wasn’t up to date, so I had to go update that first. Maybe check to see if there are any software updates for your computer?

Control+click(and hold) then select “copy link” from the menu. Alternatively click(hold) and drag. As an aside, on a macbook I find it helps workflow to have ‘tap to click’, ‘dragging’ and one of the two ‘secondary click’ options enabled in the trackpad preference pane.