
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Aceofwhat?3/04/2010 2:51:38 pm PST

re: #416 RogueOne

Sure there is such a thing as liberal culture and you’re right, both sides of the aisle are statists. It’s just a matter of what behavior they want to control that seperates the two but the end result is the same.

Conservatives want marijuana to remain illegal because drugs are bad, while liberals just want it legalized just so they can outlaw it again because smoking is bad and it’s brought in by non-union truck drivers.

here there be a conservative who wants legalized marijuana. anti-marijuana pursuits waste money as quickly and with as much efficacy as just about any other big-gubmint program.

sometimes i think i’d make a great centrist politician, except that (a) i don’t want to be one and (b) i’d get my a$$ kicked in every primary every time.