
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Throbert McGee2/26/2009 9:10:52 pm PST

re: #396 Naso Tang

Are you saying that nobody should give a damn what you say if they don’t share your belief system?

BSM is saying that it looks ridiculous (and possibly a bit insecure) to be bothered by “threats” of a Hell that you regard as a non-existent fantasy.

I don’t get offended if a New Age quack tells me my chakras are out of alignment, because I don’t believe there are any such things as “chakras.”

Why, then, would I get mad if an evangelical Christian tells me I’m going to burn in Hell because I’m not born-again? (The only reason I might get mad is *if* I were another stripe of Christian — it would bother me that the evangelicals are giving non-Christians a reason to dislike Christianity with all of the obnoxious Hellfire talk.)