
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

nyc redneck5/04/2009 12:04:14 pm PDT

‘moderate’ mccain did not have a chance against leftist o who did reveal his
commie tendencies but also invoked the name reagan and lincoln to deceive who he really was. he got alot of votes like that.
mccain was just blowing in the wind acting like a reach across the aisle fool. no one respected him. he was such a lump of nothing to be proud of.
moderates are fledgling leftists to true conservatives.

if the left is hollering abt. how we should be to win, i’ll really question their motives. we should not look to them for ideas.
right now we should be focusing on the socialism o is bringing. we should be ruthlessly exposing it, and offering alternatives.
we need to educate the citizens of this country to what is in store for us w/
big gov’t spending on all the wrong things.