
Obama's BP Speech

prairiefire6/15/2010 6:25:40 pm PDT

re: #415 teros

“I am not moved to tears.”

Then it appears you’re missing the point. If the deep water platforms pull up stakes from the Gulf of Mexico because of the administration’s ill-considered moratorium and relocate to the water off North Africa, the results of the next failure will likely be even worse than what we’re seeing today.

Obama’s “we need alternative energy now” pronouncements do nothing to change our limited alternatives to fossil fuels. Short of a massive expansion of our nuclear generating capacity (and I’ve seen only the most cursory nod to that possibility out of the administration), we will continue to be dependent upon oil and gas to meet our energy needs for the foreseeable future. Proponents of drilling in ANWR have always faced the “you won’t get any appreciable benefit for at least ten years” argument. Similarly, wind and water have decades to go before they can make a dent in our energy requirements.

Full steam ahead on alternative energy is a good idea, but forcing oil and gas exploration to move to shores even less regulated than our own is short-sighted at best.

Welcome, hatchling.