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What, me worry?12/29/2010 7:36:21 pm PST

re: #413 compound Idaho

I have no problem at all, in fact support hunting, fishing, raising and eating animals. However I remember the day I realized I did not want to kill, clean, and prepare them myself. It was not an intellectual thing. It was a gut thing. Had a fish in my hands at the time. I think I’ll take up golfing instead. Hypocritical? maybe. I’ll think about it a bit more.

I would have to give up the Idaho nic if I came down on the no hunting/fishing side. I cannot see that happening.

hehe My idea on hunting and such have also changed. I am no longer a fan. Fishing is a little different, or maybe I’m the hypocritical one. I used to fish a lot when I was a kid.