
Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

Vicious Babushka12/15/2011 5:04:50 pm PST

re: #399 SanFranciscoZionist

I’m disappointed. I’ve read some of Ragen’s articles about women’s issues in Israel and the haredi community, and I’ve planned to read some more of her novels. I really liked “The Saturday Wife”, which is all the fiction I’ve read by her so far. I think it was tacky to suggest that the judge screwed up because of the language barrier, (I assume this means he doesn’t speak English), and it was tacky to put the whole thing in Arutz Sheva (where the wingnut commenters do not seem super impressed with her). And it was tacky to accuse the woman she seems to have plagiarized of abusing her kids.

There’s a small bit in the back of my head that wonders if she was gone after for political reasons because I know her work has made people angry, but her behavior is so ridiculous that I can’t really see her as the victim of a conspiracy, and the court was a regular Israeli court. They saw the evidence.

She still writes better than Pam, though, I have to give her that.

I think her meltdown was more than just “tacky,” I think it was downright despicable, especially the oblique death threat. But, since I am haredi, I’m totally not OK with being hated on, which is what she made her career on.

A gracious person who made a “little mistake,” and copied several pages word for word by mistake would apologize, make amends and move on. A filthy entitled pig throws out crazy accusations and death threats.