
Idaho Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

Backwoods Sleuth5/14/2014 10:28:39 am PDT

re: #412 William Barnett-Lewis

Not doubting your experience, it’s just that mine has always been the opposite. UPS & FedEx? Drop kicked fragile packages. Adult signature required? Leave it on the stoop without even knocking. Lost things that are claimed to have been delivered. And god help you if you actually need to make an insurance claim.

OTOH, I’ve never had a problem with USPS. It does make me wonder if there are regional differences in their management & quality control that could be impacting this.

Same here. I’ve had no problems ever with USPS.
FedEx, however, I hate with the passion of a million burning suns because they are constantly claiming “failed attempted delivery” when I know they never even tried.