
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Zimriel2/26/2009 9:10:59 pm PST

re: #414 LudwigVanQuixote

Nope, to this day, if you look in a Torah scroll, there are no vowels.

I also want to continue the thought about translations and interpretations.
…I am not trying to argue who’s theology is better or that anyone should necessarily accept mine. I am arguing though that going to “the Hebrew” really does mean looking at an essentially different text in many ways.

Let’s talk Septuagint!

In Hebrew: ‘Cain said to his brother. And when they were in the field…’ (Huh? What did Cain say?!)

In Greek: ‘Cain said to his brother, “let’s go into the field!” And when they were in the field…’

In Greek, Cain’s act was premeditated. In Hebrew, Cain could have said anything… we just don’t know.