
Overnight Open Thread

albusteve6/01/2009 6:26:46 am PDT

re: #399 iceweasel

Wow, awesome quote and I didn’t know it at all. Thank you for that.

It’s funny, there is this stereotype on the right that liberals are arrogant and self-righteous and want to tell everyone how they should live. And I can see where that comes from…there IS an element like that within the left and they’re annoying as hell. They like to play little “I’m holier than thou” games—both against others (nonliberals) and against each other.

But they really aren’t representative of the left as a whole, in my opinion. They’re like the whacko people on the right who are so-cons and ALSO obsessed with telling everyone how they should live and how they should think: whether it’s about gay marriage, or creationism and ID being smuggled into science class rooms….

i really believe that the vast majority of Americans share a firm commitment to privacy and freedom, regardless of the ways the whackos on both sides throw that out the window.

now if we could just motivate those folks across the middle of the spectrum to get out and vote for hte best interests of the nation we would see a totally different political landscape….much less polarized and hostile…the powere is down the middle