
Overnight Bird

FrogMarch11/18/2009 7:56:03 am PST

re: #395 Irish Rose

So it’s perfectly fine to show a photo of a Chinese athletes’ legs - a photo that just barely conceals his package… but not ok to show a respectful photo of Sarah Palins’ lower legs in a pair of athletic shorts?

Are we seriously saying that her legs deserve some kind of special consideration because she’s a prominent politician, instead of a lowly athlete?

Yes, I know I’m playing devils advocate here.
But I think the brouhaha over this cover is ridiculous, and just another stupid distraction.

NO. It’s apples and oranges. She’s a politician. He’s an athlete.
In any case - Media Matters seems to care. Me? I don’t really care. It’s just one more lame Newsweek cover revealing agenda over substance.