
Discovery Gunman: Just Nuts

Cato the Elder9/01/2010 6:07:33 pm PDT

re: #415 LudwigVanQuixote

So you are really proud of being astonishingly ignorant. I never would have expected that from you. You do realize that you are the shameless equivalent of one who is proud that they never read. Ohh I learned to read in grade school, but my life took a different path. Don’t have much use for reading. Nope, I get all I need from Fox News…

All ye gods who look down upon the earth, whether of the air, the water, the fire, or the earth, and all ye who particularly hate modern technology (I’m talkin’ ‘bout you, Gaia, and you again, Pan!), scorn and revile and hate Cato, for that he doth not do his taxifying algebra straight out o’ his head, but relieth upon the Beast, him whose name is Calculator, to do it for him! Curst be he!

Cato iz teh stupid!