
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce11/16/2010 4:58:35 pm PST

re: #367 theheat

My dad says they should have failed (denies 100% Bush participated in a bailout of any kind, for anybody), and we should secede. Just like that. Answer to all the problems: secede. And have Sarah Palin lead the new un-union.

You can’t make shit up like this.

If you can get away with it, I’d be genuinely curious to know what your dad thinks about these ideas:

Any secession attempt would necessarily involve military conflict. What happens to the military bases, National Guard armories, FBI offices, etc. located in the newly-seceded territory? Are the personnel rounded up as traitors (and by whom), or is it just assumed they’re going to play along? Do neo-secessionists believe that they can just decide to leave one day, and the Feds will have no choice but to just say, “well dang, they sure showed us” and sulk away in shame?

In the war between secessionist Texas (or wherever) and the “Union” (bleh), what’s to stop any of the following from insinuating themselves: Mexican drug gangs, organized crime groups from $COUNTRY, terrorists (the real ones), or even legitimate foreign governments who have a major financial or material interests at stake. How much chaos can President Palin wink away?

Congratulations. As a freshly-minted country, you are now 100% responsible for your own infrastructure, international trade agreements, and defense. How will you supply basics such as electricity and potable water during the initial conflict? What’s your backup plan?